[For the Love of ‘Fee] Melitta Estate Whole Bean Hazelnut Creme Coffee

‘For the Love of ‘Fee’ is one coffee-lover’s attempt to machete through the tangle of coffee beans and brews to find an awesome cup of coffee. Juan Valdez follows ME! 🙂


  • Melitta Estate Whole Bean Hazelnut Crème Coffee
  • Bought August 8, 2014, at WalMart, Hoover Park Drive location, Stouffville, ON; $16 for a 2 lb bag of beans.
  • The beans were ground using a Cuisinart burr mill, to a medium grind.
  • Percolated using a Cuisinart brand electric percolator, cold water from the fridge and basket paper filter inside the coffee ground reservoir to prevent grounds from getting into the brewed coffee.

A History Lesson

Melitta is a brand synonymous with coffee. This company is over 100 years old and sells coffee, coffee makers, accessories and filters. It was started by German housewife, Melitta Bentz, who invented the paper coffee filter (she held the patent). She was always trying to find better ways of making coffee so that the grounds would not end up in the brewed coffee. She was also trying to find a way to brew a single cup of coffee at one time. Eventually, her methods were developed into the drip coffee makers we are familiar with today. There’s your mini history lesson for the day, guys and dolls…and you haven’t even had your first coffee yet! 🙂

My experience with Melitta coffee is scant at best. I would always pass on it at the store since it isn’t cheap, and for the most part, the Melitta coffee that is sold in store here where I live comes in whole beans, which is useless to anyone without a coffee mill. The latter problem has been diffused at my house for almost two years now since I got my burr mill; I can now grind to my heart’s content. But, yeah, I recognize this isn’t cheap coffee. However, coffee is something I enjoy, like good food. In my house, we don’t mind spending a bit more on decent consumables.


So, like the title of this post suggests, I purchased the Melitta Estate Hazelnut Coffee in whole beans. The package is a large blue foil bag with a black swirly pattern on it. The packaging says this coffee is a medium roast and in italics it says: “Packaged hot from the roaster.” I can’t help but notice that “Cream” is spelled “crème” with an accent grave. These German guys are pulling out the Français!

First Impressions

Opening the bag, I was not hit with a fragrance of coffee at all – nothing resembling coffee, actually. It smelled like I was sticking my face into a vat of burnt hard liquor. I could smell nothing but alcohol! It wasn’t until I pulled away that I got a faint aroma of Hazelnut. If I were to base the review on that smell alone, I would fail this coffee.

The whole beans themselves appear burnt – darker than how regular coffee beans look. They felt a bit oily to the touch, which is not unusual in my experience with flavoured coffee.

Grinding the coffee beans yielded better results in the fragrance department – the alcoholic smell dissipated, and the aroma of roasted coffee finally presented itself with a pleasant tang of roasted hazelnut. Unlike its whole counterpart, the ground coffee looks a bit lighter than the traditional Colombian medium-ground coffee I am used to drinking.

How it smells and tastes

Upon percolating the ground coffee, the smell of roasted hazelnut filled my kitchen. It smelled delicious! The taste? A smooth blend of Colombian with a nice aftertaste of hazelnut; a very nice compliment. Mmm! Now, I think some baked goods are in order! Banana bread or muffins! Coffee House time chez Sarca!

Worth the Price?

Yes, I will definitely be buying this again. I am unsure if Melitta Estate Whole Bean Hazelnut Crème Coffee is sold pre-ground anywhere, but I definitely recommend this coffee!



      1. well isn’t that special!
        Alas, with the nut allergy, I’ll have to enjoy this ‘fee vicariously. Though I am enjoying this series, looking forward to that elusive 10/10 cuppa!


  1. Yes, I’m sure to tell mom about this.

    You know, even the crappiest coffee will taste so much better with good creamer. Ha ha. ( not the powder ones… we use Nestle liquid creamer, and we have all kinds of flavor in the fridge. ) Or Half and Half.

    What do you eat with coffee ? The best for me ( and family … except Dad, of course ) are crackers, Skyflakes Crackers, Product of the Philippines ). If there’s an Asian or Filipino store nearby, try that brand. It;s sooo good with coffee.


    1. Hmm. Crackers, huh? For the most part, I have my breakfast with coffee – cereal, toast…that type of thing. I do enjoy having a dessert and coffee after dinner, which could be any baked good…cheesecake, coffee cake or cookies. There is no one brand of baked good I gravitate towards, really.
      Then there is afternoon coffee, not in conjunction with any food – just a pick me up 🙂


  2. Interesting! I appreciate your review, as I am unlikely to ever buy a flavoured coffee. It’s just not my thing. I guess it goes with my not putting anything in it, just neat please, so the thought of flavouring the beans also seems foreign. But I commend your adventurousness, buying a 2lb bag – that’s an investment in coffee! This made for entertaining reading.

    What to eat with coffee? Anything. Name it, the answer is yes. When to drink coffee? Anytime, and often. I could have a cuppa and go to bed, it wouldn’t keep me awake. My lovely wife would be up for hours if she had coffee before bed, but not me.

    Oh yeah, and I was gonna mention, in a pinch if your grinder’s on the fritz, you can also use a Magic Bullet (if you have one) to grind beans. Works great.

    Nice cupface. CHURCH LADY.


        1. Very true!
          I’ve had (knock on wood) some luck with the latet round of kitchen gadgets. The burr mill and Percolator are still kicking almost two years later. We’ve had shitty luck with our coffee makers and kettles – 6 months old and they quit.


      1. Haha it’s so true.

        Here’s another one for you:

        You go to Timmys and you order a medium tea. I don’t know prices, say that’s $1.25. You get a medium cup of hot water and a tea bag. Cool.

        Next day, you order an extra large tea. Again, no idea, say that’s $2.25. You get an extra large cup of water and a tea bag.

        See where I’m going? You just paid an extra dollar for a little bit more water. Same tea bag.

        Dammit, I am in the wrong business.

        Liked by 1 person

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